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If your Nvidia Jetson boards are running L4T R32.6.1 or later versions, you can configure the CSI interface with jetson-io.

To check the L4T version, run the following command.

cat /etc/nv_tegra_release

How to manually configure your NVIDIA Jetson camera interface

If you are using the Arducam driver, use the following command to launch jetson-io:

sudo /opt/arducam/jetson-io/

Otherwise use the following command:

sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/

Step 1. Select “Configure NVIDIA Jetson CSI Connector” and hit enter on your keyboard

jetson io screenshot jetson CSI

Step 2. Select “Configure for compatible hardware” and hit enter again

NVIDIA Jetson nx csi connector configuration

Step 3. Choose your camera of choice and hit enter

csi camera interface settings

Step 4. Select “Save pin changes” and hit enter

NVIDIA Jetson csi pin changes

Step 5. Select “Save and reboot to reconfigure pins” and hit enter

save and reboot to reconfigure pins

Step 6. Reboot

reboot your NVIDIA Jetson or xavier nx

Application Note - Fix Red Tint with ISP Tuing