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16MP IMX519


Based on the 16MP Sony IMX519 sensor, Arducam released a series of 16MP cameras for Raspberry Pi. With 2 times higher resolution than the V2 camera, and 40% higher than the HQ camera, they are better choices for a whole world of industrial/consumer/etc. applications. They can work with the latest software from the foundation and leverages the same tuning algorithms used in the official camera modules.

Image Sensor

Sensor Model IMX519
Shutter Type Rolling Shutter
Active Pixels 4656 (H) × 3496 (V)
Resolution 16MP
Image Sensor Format Type 1/2.53″
Pixel Size 1.22μm×1.22μm
CSI-2 Data Output 2-lane mode
Data Format RAW10/8, COMP8


Arducam 16MP IMX519 autofocus Camera Modules are designed for you to control the focus via software, so you can see closer and see where you want to see.


Product Image SKU Pin/Connect Type Features Lens Type Field of View(D/H/V) Focus Type IR Sensitivity
Image B0386 22pin/Top MIni Size Stock Lens 66°(H) x 49.5°(V) Fixed Focus without IR-cut filter
Image B0371 22pin/Top High Resolution AutoFocus 650nm IR cut filter
Image B0389 15/NA Miniature Camera 65°(H) x 48.8°(V) Fixed Focus without IR-cut filter
B0391 22/NA
Image B0449 22/Top Wide Angle M12 Lens 140°(D)×120°(H)×95°(V) Manual Focus 650nm IR-cut filter

Supported Platforms and OS

Note for Supported Platform and OS
Platform Bookworm(rpicam/libcamera) Bullseye(libcamera) Buster(raspistill)
Raspberry Pi 5    
Raspberry Pi 4B / 3B+ / 3A+ / Zero / Zero 2 W  
Raspberry Pi CM3 / CM3+ / CM4
(extra adapter board required)

Hardware Connection

Please refer to the following doc for common hardware connection method of RPI Camera:

Quick Start Guide - Hardware Connection

Software Guide

SOFTWARE GUIDE for IMX519 Autofocus Camera

Product Image SKU Pin/Connect Type Features Lens Type Field of View(D/H/V) Focus Type IR Sensitivity
Image B0371 15/Bottom High Resolution Stock Lens 66°(H) x 49.5°(V) AutoFocus 650nm IR cut filter


We have adapted our camera driver to the latest Raspberry Pi Bullseye OS and integrated it into the Raspberry Pi kernel. Therefore, there are currently two ways to use it depending on the system version. Please refer to the following content:

Raspberry Pi Bullseye OS 6.1.21 and Later/Bookworm OS

Step 1. Download the bash scripts
wget -O
chmod +x
Step 2. Install libcamera
./ -p libcamera_dev
Step 3. Install libcamera-apps
./ -p libcamera_apps
Step 4. Modify Config file
  • For Raspberry Pi Bookworm users running on Pi 5, please execute:
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.

If you want to enable the camera on the cam0 port of Pi5, please refer to the following modifications:

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.
  • For Raspberry Pi Bookworm/Bullseye users running on Pi 4, please execute:

Bookworm OS on Pi4

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.

Bullseye OS on Pi4 (Bullseye 6.1.21 and later versions)

sudo nano /boot/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.
  • For Bookworm/Bullseye users running on Pi 0 ~ 3, please execute: 

Bookworm OS on Pi0-Pi3

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.

Bullseye OS on Pi0-Pi3

sudo nano /boot/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.
Open a terminal 
Run sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Advanced Options 
Enable Glamor graphic acceleration 
Reboot your Pi

If you encounter the display issues, please also execute the following steps:

Open a terminal
Run sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Advanced Options
Navigate to GL Driver
Select GL (Full KMS)
Reboot your Pi
  • For Raspberry Pi Bookworm/Bullseye users running on CM3/4, please execute:

Bookworm OS on CM3/4

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.

If you want to enable the camera kit on the cam0 port of CM3/4, please refer to the following modifications:

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.

Bullseye OS on CM3/4

sudo nano /boot/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.

If you want to enable the camera kit on the cam0 port of CM3/4, please refer to the following modifications:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Save and reboot.
Step5. Use libcamera to access IMX519 Camera

Preview 5 seconds.

libcamera-still -t 5000

If you don't have a display screen, you can save an image without displaying it. And an image of test.jpg will be saved in the current directory.

libcamera-still -t 5000 -n -o test.jpg

For more instructions, please refer to: libcamera User Guide

Before Raspberry Pi Bullseye OS 6.1.21

Step 1. Download the bash scripts

wget -O
chmod +x

Step 2. Install libcamera
./ -p libcamera_dev
Step 3. Install libcamera-apps
./ -p libcamera_apps
Step 4. Install Camera drivers
./ -p imx519_kernel_driver_low_speed

Please reboot your Pi when you finish the installation.

sudo reboot
Step5. Use libcamera to access IMX519 Camera

Preview 5 seconds.

libcamera-still -t 5000

If you don't have a display screen, you can save an image without displaying it. And an image of test.jpg will be saved in the current directory.

libcamera-still -t 5000 -n -o test.jpg

For more instructions, please refer to: libcamera User Guide

SOFTWARE GUIDE for IMX519 Fixed-focus Camera

Product Image SKU Pin/Connect Type Features Lens Type Field of View(D/H/V) Focus Type IR Sensitivity
Image B0386 15/Top MIni Size Stock Lens 66°(H) x 49.5°(V) Fixed Focus without IR-cut filter
Image B0389 15/NA Miniature Camera 65°(H) x 48.8°(V) Fixed Focus without IR-cut filter
B0391 22/NA
Image B0449 15/Top Wide Angle M12 Lens 140°(D)×120°(H)×95°(V) Manual Focus 650nm IR-cut filter


We have adapted our camera driver to the latest Raspberry Pi Bullseye OS and integrated it into the Raspberry Pi kernel.

Raspberry Pi Bullseye OS 6.1.21 and Later

Step 1. Modify .Config file
  • For Raspberry Pi Bookworm users running on Pi 5, please execute:

(The camera is connected on cam1 port by default)

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Note: If you do not add vcm=off, libcamera may display two warnings;
#Save and reboot.

If you want to enable the camera on the cam0 port of Pi5, please refer to the following modifications:

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Note: If you do not add vcm=off, libcamera may display two warnings;
#Save and reboot.
  • For Raspberry Pi Bookworm/Bullseye users running on Pi 4, please execute:

Bookworm OS on Pi4

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Note: If you do not add vcm=off, libcamera may display two warnings;
#Save and reboot.

Bullseye OS on Pi4 (Bullseye 6.1.21 and later versions)

sudo nano /boot/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Note: If you do not add vcm=off, libcamera may display two warnings;
#Save and reboot.
  • For Bookworm/Bullseye users running on Pi 0 ~ 3, please execute: 

Bookworm OS on Pi0-Pi3

sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Note: If you do not add vcm=off, libcamera may display two warnings;
#Save and reboot.

Bullseye OS on Pi0-Pi3

sudo nano /boot/config.txt 
#Find the line: [all], add the following item under it:
#Note: If you do not add vcm=off, libcamera may display two warnings;
#Save and reboot.
Open a terminal 
Run sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Advanced Options 
Enable Glamor graphic acceleration 
Reboot your Pi

If you encounter the display issues, please also execute the following steps:

Open a terminal
Run sudo raspi-config
Navigate to Advanced Options
Navigate to GL Driver
Select GL (Full KMS)
Reboot your Pi
Step2. Use libcamera to access Camera

Preview 5 seconds.

libcamera-still -t 5000

If you don't have a display screen, you can save an image without displaying it. And an image of test.jpg will be saved in the current directory.

libcamera-still -t 5000 -n -o test.jpg

For more instructions, please refer to: libcamera User Guide

AF/Manual Focus Function


For cameras with focus motors, we have added autofocus parameters to enable single autofocus and continuous autofocus functions.

Please refer to the following doc for details:

Autofocus/Manual Focus Function for Arducam 16MP Autofocus Camera

PDAF Guide for IMX519 autofocus Camera

  • Cameras Supporting PDAF

Product Image SKU Pin/Connect Type Features Lens Type Field of View(D/H/V) Focus Type IR Sensitivity
Image B0371 15/Bottom High Resolution Stock Lens 66°(H) x 49.5°(V) AutoFocus 650nm IR cut filter
  • What is PDAF

PDAF (Phase Detection Auto Focus) works by employing a sub-mirror behind the regular mirror. Light is focused into two distinct beams for determining the subject range on an autofocus sensor.

You can refer to the following link to get more info about PDAF and CDAF:

Big Leap with PDAF Armed Bestseller Got Enhanced Arducam IMX519 AF Camera Module

  • Why release Hybrid Mode(PDAF + CDAF)?

Many users reported that the focusing time of imx519 is too long, so we changed the focusing algorithm from the original CDAF to the current Dual Mode(PDAF + CDAF).

Now the focus time is shorter and the effect is better.


If you want to use imx519 PDAF, you need to install the corresponding driver and Libcamera. (The new PDAF algorithm is written by Raspberry Pi.)

  • How to install the latest Hybrid Mode(PDAF + CDAF)?


Please reinstall the driver and libcamera package even if you have installed before.

Prerequisites Required

First of all, you need to make sure that your version is above 5.15.84

uname -r

Install the Camera Driver

wget -O
chmod +x
./ -p imx519_low_speed_driver

libcamera-dev and libcamera-apps Installation

./ -p libcamera
./ -p libcamera_apps